The Connections Warren-Watchung Edition Feb 2020

FEB/MARCH 2020 THE WARREN-WATCHUNG CONNECTION PAGE 19 &20081, 7< 3/$&( _ _ ) L RU L O O L K L D L UGHV L JQ FRP I L RU L O O L KD L UGHV L JQ :DU U HQ 1HZ - H U VH\ '%0 "- ") .$ $ ", )LRULOOL +DLU 'HVLJQ LV FRPPLWWHG WR GHOLYHULQJ WKH EHVW VDORQ H[SHULHQFH LQ :DUUHQ 1- $V DUWLVWV ZH VWDQG IRU WHFKQLFDO SHUIHFWLRQ LQQRYDWLRQ DQG DQ XQSDUDOOHOHG VDORQ DWPRVSKHUH 0DNH \RXU DSSRLQWPHW WRGD\ FIORILLI HAIR DESIGN CREATIVE VISION | INSPIRED RESULTS Our office handles all family law matters, working with each client to develop a comprehensive strategy that meets their individual needs and goals. That strategy is constantly reevaluated during our representation as this is a unique area of the law where the facts and circumstances of a particular case can change from day-to-day and in some cases hour-to-hour. For that reason, every one of our attorneys works tirelessly to protect the best interests of you and your family. When required, we respond to emergent calls and emails during all hours of the day as we recognize that family law problems do not always occur during regular business hours. Our goal is to place every client in a position to make an informed decision as to settlement or have the necessary information to prepare for trial, which often requires ag- gressively pursuing documentation and information their spouse is attempting to withhold. We do not tolerate obstructionist adversaries, and we will aggressively use various discovery methodologies such as subpoenas and depositions to obtain the information you need. At the DeTommaso Law Group, you and your children’s best interests are our highest priority. Strategic & Aggressive Divorce Lawyers When you need RESULTS, you need AGGRESSIVE representation. DeTommaso Law Group, LLC. 58 Mount Bethel Road, Suite 303 Warren, NJ 07059 (908) 595-0340 Alimony/Spousal Support – Arbitration – Appeals – Child Custody – Child Support – Divorce – Domestic Violence – Division of Assets Enforcement of Court Orders – Mediation – Modifications of Support Obligations – Prenuptial Agreements – Separation Agreements